Abelardo Morell


Abelardo Morell 

Abelardo Morell was born in Havana, Cuba and immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1962. Abe has a very unique styles of photos that are mostly in black and white and some look like constructed images because of how he took photos and how he put them together. Abe brings the nostalgia out in pictures because of how you look at it can bring back happiness to a person. 

I inserted this image from Abe because I thought it reminds us of childhood and how it makes a person happy because a happy home and happy vibe is important to be able to understand these images in the series but some people will interpret it differently.

I like his multiple choices in series because he hits all different aspects of photography and whoever likes nostalgia and composted photos would like Abe and like to study him and his images. 

My Kid Could Shoot That!—Abelardo Morell's Work from a Child's Perspective  | Getty Iris


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