Anne Lebowitz
I wrote a blog on Annie Lebowitz before in Digital One because I liked her unique style of photography. I think the things she takes pictures of are people are very important and show how powerful people are in those photos.
Anne Lebowitz took photos of Queen Elizabeth and I love that photo because it makes Queen Elizabeth look like the strong powerful lady she was before she passed away. Queen Elizabeth had very many hardships while she was queen so this photo really expresses how powerful and amazing she is. This is the photo that I saw that attracted me to Anne's work. In this photo it is dark and gloomy but the photo shows like I said power.
I wrote before that I loved her Rolling Stones pictures because she made the band look amazing and would show the powerfulness of the band. I would like to mimic her style in the future because I get inspired by the creativity she shows in her work. She also has a spooky aspect to her photos but again that is following through with her style of photography and it makes it very powerful. Anne is an amazing photographer who worked a long way to be able to take pictures of important people.
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