The Meaning of Photography

The Meaning of Photography
By: Olivia Butler 

Photography is a beautiful art that so many people can do different things with but everyone has different reasons of what it means to them. To me it makes me think of the ways I can capture the moments that make people happy or just how unique something looks in the world. Like in the article by Heiferman when people try to say that photography has to be a certain way.. the answer to that is no it does not. There are so many pictures that I have seen that try to bring the same point across but the photographer has different ways to do so. That brings me to also mention Heiferman say that we respond to photos in different ways because of the different events in life. 

As I was growing up and getting more into photography I loved to take pictures of my sister in all the events she has gone through. Looking at all the photos has made me realize how happy she was in each one of those events. Photography to me is the fact of making people realize the joy in the picture and how they are beautiful or handsome in their own skin. I took photography this year to see how I could improve and still feel like taking pictures of everything and everyone who means the most to me. 


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