
Showing posts from December, 2023

Alex Soth

  Alec Soth Alec Soth is an American photographer focusing on the midwestern unites states showing off people in their natural habitats.  I chose Alec because I like that style of photography showing people off in their natural habitat and like showing their emotions connecting to why they are in a place or doing an action. I couldn’t choose just one photo I like of him because they are all different and unique in their own ways.

Sebastian Salgado

  Sebastian Salgado  Sebastian Salgado is a Brazilian photographer who focuses on images that portray humans in desperate economic situations. Sebastians work shows what it is like and have a stronger understanding of social and economic situations in the world.  After exploring his work I found this image I really like. This image is abandoned babies and it is very prevalent in society today because many children are orphan in the world and many that need homes and families to love them. Sebastian bring light to these matters and shows the world what is happening because we need to bring more awareness.